Monday 8 August 2011

aku ada dengar : nak pegi haji pun boleh pakai 'kabel' (tabung haji).

Proses haji menggunakan tabung haji : as stated here
  1. pendaftaran
  2. bimbingan
  3. pemilihan kelayakan
  4. and so on....
Let's fokus kepada dari proses pendaftaran hingga kepada pemilihan. from the registration process you may wait several years until you called for your haji. Why? because there are lots of malaysian waiting in the line.

And for the waiting part, here come the function of 'kabel'. To make sure you  been called earlier than you should. I don't know this is according to the quota reserved by Tabung Haji or it is because the hidden power of the administration.

Is it necessary for that?why don't you just wait till your turn come?

Don't you know how many mereka-mereka yang takde 'kabel' have to wait for years, maybe up to 8years or more to do haji? How many those who work hard dan bersusah payah kumpul duit to make sure mereka berpeluang pergi mekah sementara masih kuat? But those who apply later can go earlier because the just know the right person.

doesn't it sound a lil bit unfair here?or I just to stupid to understand the procedure?

Is it ok to do haji that way? To violated those people who suppose to get there first? Why you want to do haji anyway?

-nak dapatkan reda Allah dengan cara yang unfair?-